Reflections …

With the start of the new season, and the ensuing chaos and hectic schedules, of all the events that marks this month, it is the memorial service for a good family friend and the chance to meet old friends.

Is this a reflection of our times?  That it would only be under sad circumstances that we would meet old friends again?  And as we take leave of one another, there will be the usual round of “Let’s not take so long to see each other again … let’s meet for lunch … dinner … go to that event … or just coffee.”

It hasn’t happened … yet.  Perhaps it’s too soon … But yes, we really should take the time to meet up, even for no other reason than just to re-connect …

So go ahead.  Don’t just text, or call, or Facebook connect … Go and meet a friend, and connect face to face.  You’ll feel better I promise.

Good weekend, all.






  1. It’s true what you state. But whether family or old friends we grow apart on life’s journey and though known to us a lot are now strangers in our lives.
    My thoughts are life’s a circle and we travel forward. On that journey I will meet and lose people. But the experience of them will remain.
    Have a good weekend.

What do you think about this?